Monthly Goals: February 2021

Monthly Favorites: January 2021

And just like that, we’ve made it to February! January definitely had its fair share of ups and downs. It has been an eventful start of a new year to say the least. I am hopeful that things will start to look up, and I am ready to take on the rest of this new month. But for now, let’s review how I did on my goals for January.

January Goal Recap

Read 1 Book ✔

I checked this one off the list at the very last minute by finishing After Ever Happy by Anna Todd.

Create Blog Editorial Calendar for January through March ✔

I was able to fill my content calendar up for the first quarter, and I’m excited about some of the content I have planned. Stay tuned!

Compile a YouTube playlist of various workouts to try ✔

I was able to add a variety of at home workout videos to my YouTube playlist, some that were pretty creative that I had never seen before! However, I started to fall off the fitness track at the end of the month. I’m hoping to get back on track this month!

Compile a list of healthy foods and snacks to keep on hand ✔

I checked this one off the list and I plan on adding more as I get more ideas. It has already helped me replace some of my unhealthier sides for my lunches. 

Explore 1 new place ✔

My boyfriend and I spent a Saturday exploring a few new places. We went to a place called Boss Battle Games to check out their Pokemon plushie and vintage game collection. They also have a bunch of arcade games that you can play for a $10 admission, but it was way too crowded for our liking, so we left. 

We also tried a new restaurant called BIBIBOP Asian Grill, which is basically an Asian version of Chipotle or Qdoba. We both loved it!

Create a social media strategy for the blog ✘

Unfortunately, I didn’t really get around to finishing this one. So I will be adding it to February’s goals. 

I’d say 5 out of 6 is pretty good progress! Now, let’s take a look at my goals for February.

February Goals


Read 1 Book

Explore 1 New Place

Create a social media strategy for the blog

Let’s try this again.

Practice Yoga at Home 5x

Last year, I got into yoga for the first time when I started taking classes through work before COVID hit. I haven’t done much yoga since, so I would like to start getting back into it.

Import the rest of my wardrobe into Stylebook

This was something I wanted to complete at the end of last year, but with everything going on around the holidays, I wasn’t able to get it done. Plus, I got quite a few more clothing items for Christmas, so those need to be added.

Declutter Kitchen “Junk” Drawer

This is the place where we keep coupons, tools, batteries, etc. and it has been getting out of control. I would love to tackle this drawer this month.

Those are all of my goals for February. Once again, I am trying to take my goals slow and not overwhelm myself, because that is when I tend to completely fall off the rails. I’m a firm believer that some progress is better than no progress.

What is on your To-do List this month? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time,

Zoie Richey, Indianapolis Lifestyle Blogger